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Yuki is the Rat of the zodiac. He is known as "The Prince" at school and he's very pretty and refined. Yuki has many admirers at school, some say half of the student body, but has a hard time being social; he wishes that he could be friends with other people, rather than being admired and praised from afar.

Yuki has suffered a traumatic childhood at the hands of Akito, the head of the Sohma clan. Akito locked him up and mentally tortured him. In effect, Yuki has a somewhat low sense of worth and a claustrophobic fear. With Tohru's help, however, Yuki is gradually able to loosen up.

Yuki's fangirls hate it when Yuki gets closer to Tohru, and use harassment to try to drive her away. They claim they are trying to "protect" Yuki from Tohru, but the truth is, they are merely bombarding him with one-sided love and adoration; Tohru's the one protecting Yuki. It was revealed that Yuki was the one who saved Tohru and brought her back to her mother when she was young and had gotten lost; Tohru has never forgotten that memory and keeps the hat (which actually belongs to Kyo) that Yuki gave to her. For that, Yuki always has a deep respect and love for Tohru for actually "needing" him.

Generally quiet and polite, Yuki is an amazing martial artist who enjoys gardening. He has a garden in a small patch of forest near the walkway leading to Shigure's house which he and Tohru call their "secret base".


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The Blog of Yuki Sohma...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

not tomorrow. now!

Ugh. I'm so infuriated today, that I slammed my head three times on this desk. It's embarrassing what happened today. I showed up almost on quitting time. I guess I let Mine-san down. And ahh, that other guy. And it's all because Kyo 'forgot' to tell me Mine-san's reminder.

Mine-san told me that she called home yesterday. I wasn't around. Kyo received the message instead. Her message was about my workshift and me taking the Sunday off. So, instead, I had to work today. And I almost didn't -- phoning and reminding me once more is already embarrassing. I went straight to the shop.

When I arrived, niisan's holding and shaking his head.

Just what is Kyo's problem? If he did forget, that's fine. But he's got issues if he purposely didn't pass me the message. Can't he act more mature? Kyo should probably go back to kindergarten.

I probably should give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't want this to happen again. Maybe I should get my own number after getting my week's pay.

still not getting it at 10:32 PM

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I love it!

I'm really flaming about what Kyo did to me yesterday. And I just found the perfect payback. Since he's too particular of his studies. I think I know the right person who could just help him.

I asked Shigure about this proposal before my sleep. He agreed right away. And it's a bit weird for him to agree. You'll find out later. Kyo will probably write this 'blessing' on his diary anyway.

I guess I should make a phone call.

still not getting it at 6:26 AM

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

that wasn't an accident

Kyo spilled his orange juice on my white shirt during lunch period. That wasn't an accident. Who would spill a tightly grasped bottle of orange juice? Kyo was literally holding the bottle and poured it on my shirt.
"Aww. Kyo!"

"It was an accident. I swear."
As much as I wanted to send Kyo flying out of the building, I maintained my composure. I didn't want to cause any scene. Kyo looked disappointed when I just left the cafeteria.

Just how long is he going to keep this up?

still not getting it at 9:12 PM

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

and you're out of here!

Kyo's looking pretty grim. To tell you the truth, sensei hinted that we might have a long exam sometime this week. The reason why we were given these lectures is the imminent provincial exam + the school's exam. It's exam everywhere! The school thought we needed help.

Unfortunately, Kyo's left out. Poor Kyo. And he's baka too. How can this helpless creature be helped? I guess he's out of the lime light.

It's not my fault that he has no lecture. Moreover, he thinks that it's the end of the world. Just because you don't have school notes doesn't mean you'll fail an exam. Notes help but there are alternate ways to find resources, right?

still not getting it at 9:40 PM

Monday, September 03, 2007

sick in black and white

I can't believe my Monday. You know what they say; when you start the week right, you'll have the right week. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to start my week right. I think this is going to be one messed up week. I'm not over-reacting. What infuriates me is that 'the something bad that happened' wasn't an accident. It could've been avoided -- so is this improper week.

It's all thanks to Kyo.

Kyo and Tohru left early this morning. Shigure told them to go ahead and not to wake me up. That was a bit odd. What was Shigure thinking? Maybe he's a little bit concerned about what happened yesterday; being really exhausted and everything.

I'm not that tired.

I woke up around 10 in the morning. I found out that I had no breakfast. By the way, it's NOT Honda-san's fault. Kyo ate my breakfast as told by Shigure. Shigure said that Kyo was extra hungry.

I have a feeling Kyo ate my left over dinner as well. I know Tohru left something for me. It's too bad I missed yesterday's dinner. All thanks to Kyo!

You know, Shigure might be hiding something in his sleeve or stirring something, I don't care.

I had to prepare something in a hurry. I wanted to eat outside but I didn't have much money yet. I was somewhat desperate. I found a few loaves of bread in the fridge and a bottle of milk. In the end, I had a bowl of milk with bread crumbs in it. Yeah. I'm not the prince anymore, huh?

I rushed to school. I was in no mood to go, but -- like I said -- I did go to school. When I arrived, I found out that they gave an oral exam. It was a whopping 5% from the total grade. Harsh.

From then on, the feeling of not having a proper week is unfolding before me. Add insult to injury, Kyo gave me a grin in class.

I think I just blew a vein.

still not getting it at 9:18 PM

my not so typical sunday

Having to work during Sundays instead of Saturdays is a bad idea. I mean, it's pretty much the same thing -- work for one day -- but I'm still a student. I have five days of campus work and what's the day after Sunday? That's right. Saturday.

It's Monday. And where's my rest day? I just used it. It's better to work every Saturday. That way, you get the Sunday off.

I should stick with my Saturday schedule. My older brother conducted this experiment and gave me a call last Friday. I guess his test went well. There were sales, but in exchange of fatigue. I should give him credit -- and I can't really believe myself in doing so -- that he made an shift experiment about my schedule.

It's weird. It's Sunday but we had a lot of customers. Usually, people settle down or stay home every Sunday. If not, they go to church. But today's Sunday felt like a a Friday night.

I was so worked up and exhausted that I really forgot to eat dinner.
"taaadaima..." my legs were like spaghetti.

"Okaeri." greeted Miss Honda. "You're just in time for dinner!"

"No, thanks. I'm not really hungry."

"Yuki-kun, how was work?"

"No, thanks. I'm not really hungry." totally exhausted.
I literally went down on my bed. I couldn't stand up any longer. The bed was calling me. I slept in an instant and woke up at 3 AM. So here I am.

I went back to the kitchen to find something to eat, right? I guess they were hungry as well, because there weren't any leftovers.

Hmm... but I ate a loaf of bread -- like the rat I am.

Oh well, I might as well go back to sleep. Only 2 and half hours to go 'til the sun rises.

still not getting it at 3:34 AM