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Yuki is the Rat of the zodiac. He is known as "The Prince" at school and he's very pretty and refined. Yuki has many admirers at school, some say half of the student body, but has a hard time being social; he wishes that he could be friends with other people, rather than being admired and praised from afar.

Yuki has suffered a traumatic childhood at the hands of Akito, the head of the Sohma clan. Akito locked him up and mentally tortured him. In effect, Yuki has a somewhat low sense of worth and a claustrophobic fear. With Tohru's help, however, Yuki is gradually able to loosen up.

Yuki's fangirls hate it when Yuki gets closer to Tohru, and use harassment to try to drive her away. They claim they are trying to "protect" Yuki from Tohru, but the truth is, they are merely bombarding him with one-sided love and adoration; Tohru's the one protecting Yuki. It was revealed that Yuki was the one who saved Tohru and brought her back to her mother when she was young and had gotten lost; Tohru has never forgotten that memory and keeps the hat (which actually belongs to Kyo) that Yuki gave to her. For that, Yuki always has a deep respect and love for Tohru for actually "needing" him.

Generally quiet and polite, Yuki is an amazing martial artist who enjoys gardening. He has a garden in a small patch of forest near the walkway leading to Shigure's house which he and Tohru call their "secret base".


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The Blog of Yuki Sohma...

Friday, April 02, 2010

my friday bliss

"Wow, you're pretty."

"Thanks. But no tip, for you." I paid the delivery guy, grabbed the pizza and shut the door. Calling a guy pretty, isn't that nice? "Pizza's here."

"Great! I'm starving!" Kyo hurried and grabbed a slice like they didn't feed him for a week. "OW! What the--! I burned my mouth!" serves him right. "Why do they serve
'em real hot?!"

"Calm down." He was talking with his mouth full. There's bits of and pieces on the floor.

"Don't tell me to calm down! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be spending money on pizza! How the hell would you burn soup anyway?! I've lost count how many times you've burned soup! How do you do that?!" he was still yelling with his mouth full.

"Oh, pizza. Nice." Shigure, didn't pay for his share. "Boys, we can handle the job. Just because Tohru is staying over at her friends house doesn't mean we'd go hungry." and this guy grabs three slices in a snap without having to pay for anything. "See you later. I have work to do!"

"Hey, come back here with the--! This is so good! I missed pizza!"

"Could you stop talking with your mouth full? You're messing up the floor."

"I'll pay you later, okay?" and both idiots bailed out on me.

Even though we ordered pizza, it's not my kind of food. Fortunately, I hid my side order of bread and salad. There's just one pizza stand in the neighborhood and their bread is awesome. I heard that they don't have competition because there's no one else who could compete. That's how great their food is.

"What am I thinking? Shigure and Kyo eat salad?" I chuckled. How could they?

still not getting it at 5:33 PM